Friday, November 5, 2010

paint the town PINK

On Wednesday I didn't feel very well. My throat hurt, my chest hurt and I pretty much felt sick. sick. sick. So I did what I used to as a little girl when I felt under the weather.I got into cozy pj's ,made myself a hot chocolate and took out my art materials. Then I sat there for the next while, relaxing over my paints and brushes. The best part was that I didn't prepare a word for teaching YA! I stayed home on thursday and went to the Dr. for a throat culture. Thank G-d it was negative.I guess I'll stay on tea and advil till I feel better. This picture was done with watercolor and gauche. I copied the model from a mag. I left out the bike (too complicating to draw) and added a bubble gum pink back ground. 
These photos are unedited, unphotoshoped,raw from the camera
Hope you like it!


  1. see now were talking! this model for sure would love seeing her self portrait! shed be lke "wow! im soooooooooooooooooooo skinny" heehee!

  2. lovin it
    particularly the shoes they look very real
